Weight Loss
So how many of you have ever lifted a 10-pound dumbbell, or even a 5-pound one, or a 25-pound one? What if you tried to run with it or walk up & downstairs with it, how much harder would it be? What if you had to clean your house holding onto that dumbbell? Then before you know it, that extra weight is gone and suddenly those things seem easier. That totally happened to me recently as I lost 10 pounds, extra weight that had snuck up on me during the past 6-12 months as I took “down time” from running and wasn’t really focusing on eating well.
On January 2nd, Kim & I started a 21-day purification program as a way to try it out before we introduced it to our patients. During this time, not only did I drop the 7 pounds I had gained the past 6 months, but also lost a few more that I had gained over the past 18 months. I got back to what I like to call my “race weight” which is where I like to be when I run road races (and I have a big race coming up in 3 months).
It’s somewhat amazing how much easier it is to run now. I’m not sure why I think it’s amazing, because it only makes sense that it should be easier if I’m not hanging onto that dumbbell around my waist. My wedding ring fits better, my clothes aren’t as tight; I just feel better. Kim noticed certain changes in her life as well (feel free to ask her about them). It’s very exciting and I know these changes are here to stay. I more or less needed a kick-start to eating better again and I’m so glad I did this program.
Are you carrying around a little extra weight, or even a lot of weight? Don’t focus on dieting – diets don’t work, it’s just another bad four-letter word. Instead, learn about making long-term lifestyle changes and lose that weight for good.
If you want to learn more, join us at our office on Feb. 12th at 6:00pm for a 30-45 minute presentation. Click here to learn more. You will be glad you did. Remember health is not a destination; it’s a lifelong journey.