Psychiatric Drugs
Last week at our monthly Pathways Connect Kennesaw meeting (click to learn more), we discussed the connection between psychiatric drugs and school shootings. We also discussed IF there was a connection and what other alternatives there are for these medications. The topic of the meeting was picked out several months ago, yet ironically enough, just two days before our meeting there was the shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington DC where 12 people died. No it wasn’t a school yet it was still a mass shooting where innocent lives were lost.
One of the things I learned from the article we discussed was that there was a black box warning on anti-depressants for those people between ages 18-24. (Here’s the article we discussed). You know, the “Black Box” which practically means this is bad drug and it’s one step away from pulling it off the market. The warning states that there is a significant increase in suicidal thinking & behavior for those individuals on the drugs. Well aren’t they on them because they are depressed and could possibly kill themselves? Then this drug goes and makes it worse? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Here’s an article on it.
At the same time, these drugs appear to be effective as many people who get on them do report they feel better. It’s supposed to be a short-term fix though, not something they are on for a lifetime. What alternatives are there? One of the best natural anti-depressants I know is exercise. Not just once in a while, but 5-6 days of week of exercise that doesn’t include normal household and daily chores. Going to the gym, lifting weights, doing yoga, and going running, swimming, whatever it may be. Regular exercise. It’s amazing what it can do for you. What about nutritional supplements that are specific for the brain and mood? What about counseling? Or specific brain exercises? There are groups and organizations out there that can help.
So is there a connection between mass shootings and psychiatric drugs? You’ll have to decide for yourself.
Look what drugs do to the minds of spiders