Is Your Neck Really “Killiing” You?
How many of you seek chiropractic care from time to time for neck pain? Your body sends a pain signal to the brain to let you know that something needs to be fixed. You are able to feel well enough to get the warning signals from your body. If you were not well enough to get the warning signals then you would not be able to take the appropriate steps to move in the direction of health and wellness. By coming in to get an adjustment means you have only begun that healing process.
So what am I really talking about?
First you must understand there is an Innate Intelligence inside your body that runs, regulates, heals, and grows…it controls everything. Your nerve system allows you to receive messages from this Intelligence to help keep you headed in the right direction with your health and life. Its so sad many people don’t feel well enough, meaning not able to get the signals, to be able to make different choices. Even if they are, sometimes they just cover them up with medications or other things, or just ignore the signals.
Don’t assume that once you get adjusted, that the problem is fixed. For instance, the chiropractic adjustment will help your innate intelligence heal the body from the cause of the pain, you still need to get to the cause of the cause. So what caused your subluxation in the first place? Chiropractors are trained to restore the normal flow of energy that was altered by the subluxation, but it is ultimately up to you to ask yourself why it occurred in the first place, and then decide to take the steps necessary to begin moving toward health and wellness again.
One last thought, nothing in life stays the same, everything is always in the process of change; therefore you are always moving toward either a state of growth or a state of death. Don’t focus on the negative/painful symptoms but instead focus on moving toward what you want, a healthy lifestyle, a properly functioning body that can heal and grow, and a clear nervous system, provided through chiropractic. The nerve interference caused by the subluxation really does cause you to slowly die, so please be mindful the next time you tell your chiropractor your neck is killing you. However, that is partially right, you also need to think about the choices you made that caused the subluxation in the first place, so you can’t really blame it on your neck but yourself.