Inspiring Others
The other day I had a patient come back to the office, a woman who hadn’t been in for two years. She had been under care for almost a year previously, and for whatever reason, stopped coming in yet decided to come back in this week.
When she walked into the office, I really didn’t recognize her. The face and smile looked familiar, but I noticed her hair was different and she just really looked different. I couldn’t really figure out why, as most people I remember. My student intern did the examination on her, and came out and told me the woman had lost 80 pounds. That was it! She was a whole new person!
When I sat down to talk with her, she told me that I helped to inspire her to lose the weight and get back in shape. She had taken up running and triathlons (my two passions), and said a lot of the reason she made the change is from what she learned by coming to my office. That is one of the BEST compliments I can receive and made me feel so good to hear that, knowing that her life is now better.
I love being able to change people’s lives or at least make a difference in their lives. I know that by adjusting them that happens, but when a big shift like this occurs, it feels even better. Chiropractic care is so much about leading a healthy lifestyle and removing nerve interference so the body can function at its best. Exercise and nutrition are key components and it is nice to know that what we are doing in the office is inspiring others to get and stay healthy!