Digital X-ray; the people in our Office; and Alcatraz
True or false – I will attempt to escape from Alcatraz by swimming from this island to San Francisco Bay in June? This was just one question on our annual “COW Quiz” that we had in our office this past week. It’s always a fun week, we enjoy watching when people know the answers and tell us it’s easy, or when they look up the answers in the office, ask us questions, and/or take some random guess. Some questions are easy, some are harder, and some are just crazy! So, do you really think I’m going to jump into 55-degree water and swim 1.5 miles? People died trying to escape from Alcatraz, right? I’ll give you the answer, just hold on…..
In general, the quiz gives us some feedback as well as some laughs. We had two winners, winning more than $60 in prizes. Some of the questions provide us the opportunity to tell people more about our office and what we offer. For example, yes it was TRUE that we recently added a high tech digital X-ray machine, enabling us to take higher quality x-rays, the ability to see them right away and eliminating the need for a dark room & chemicals. In addition, it is also TRUE that we sell traction units that you can use at home to help decrease pain & reverse “text neck”. We also love whole food supplements like Catalyn & Juice Plus. And our massage therapists do offer Thai massage, TMJ massage, deep tissue, prenatal massage & sports massage, among others.
Possibly my favorite part of the quiz is when we ask people what they like best & least about our office, and what we could improve. We did get one great suggestion of adding books for older kids, since most of our books are for young children. We certainly will add that. However, adding a milkshake machine and moving our office closer to people’s home most likely will not happen. 🙂
The overwhelming number one answer to what people like best about our office was the people and atmosphere. That made me so happy to read that! (Kalo the golden retriever came in a close 2nd as to what people like best). The friendly, caring atmosphere and family atmosphere is what we strive for. I feel like we have a great team at the office. Kimberly & Kerry as so welcoming to everyone, and if a child needs to be held or entertained while mom (or dad) gets adjusted, they are more than willing to do so. Our interns are always willing to hold a baby as well and keep those kids entertained. We thank you for the opportunity to help you all.
While some people do come because they are in pain and want us to help them, many people are coming to us to prevent pain & to improve their overall health & wellness. Chiropractic care is so much more than just pain relief and we are pleased most people know that. Most people also got the question correct about what a vertebral subluxation is (when one or more of the bones of the spine is restricted and not moving properly, it causes interference with the communication between the brain and the rest of the body, AND subluxation can be caused by poor posture, the birth process, and/or stresses; and NO it is not a long sandwich). Yes, the birth process can cause subluxations, which is why you see us adjust newborns and kids – if you start them off in life without subluxation, they tend to grow up healthier, without symptoms and with a healthier spine and nervous system.
And for those who were wondering, our interns are graduating in June, not September (thus that was the correct answer to the last question). And that means that YES, Kerry is 100% Irish and loves old Irish music; Kim’s new hobby IS painting miniature figurines for table top role playing games; and YES, Dr. Pam will attempt to escape from Alcatraz by swimming from this island to San Francisco Bay in June. I know, inmates use to die doing that…but they weren’t trained nor were they in wetsuits. I’ll be fine……ask me about it or any of this the next time we see you.