De-clutter Your Nervous System
Last month, Wendy Ellin was a guest speaker at the Kennesaw Business Association luncheon. She is, as I put it, a master organizer. She helps those that have piles upon piles upon piles of paperwork on their desk. She does this through a specific strategy and through a S.Y.S.T.E.M (save yourself time, energy, and money). Let’s be honest. We all have that one room or closet in our house that everyone knows not to open the door for fear of being buried in stuff! I wouldn’t call myself a hoarder, but my husband probably would. I do tend to keep everything: school papers from my kids, school papers from when I was in school, so many little things that I keep with the hope that I will get to it someday. Wendy calls clutter indecision manifested.
Part of her strategy that she shared with us is to get three containers, and remove one word from your vocabulary. As you start with your containers, have one for trash, one for things you love, and one for things you need and what you notice is that one word is missing…… When she said this, I realized that I had a lot of things in my house and on my desk that I liked, but didn’t necessarily need or even loved. I left the luncheon with a vigor to go and de-clutter my house!!
I also began to think about how this can relate to our health, wellness, and overall function of our body. We process our entire lives through our nervous system. When physical, chemical, and emotional stressors interrupt the signal from the brain to the body and vice versa the overall function of the body becomes disrupted and our ability to adapt to normal stressors becomes hindered. These interruptions to our nervous system are called vertebral subluxations and can come from car accidents and major traumas and even from simply poor posture habits day after day. Only chiropractors are trained at detecting and removing vertebral subluxations, and I like to think that chiropractors are the only one’s trained to de-clutter that dysfunctional signal and restore optimal nervous system function to the body. As you begin to de-clutter your house with the love and need strategy, consider how regular chiropractic care can also de-clutter your nervous system and help restore normal function to your body.
Be sure to check out Wendy Ellin’s website and look into some ways she can help you de-clutter your house. Don’t forget to schedule your adjustment to help de-clutter your nervous system!
Dr. Shannon