Childhood Vaccines
Did you know that kids who get vaccinated can still get the disease they are vaccinated against? Did you know that kids can get up to 8 different vaccines in one day (at just 2 months old) — when is the last time you, as an adult, took 8 drugs in one day? Shouldn’t you be surprised if a child does NOT have a reaction to a vaccine?
Yesterday we gave a presentation at our office titled “Childhood Vaccinations — Questions all parents should ask.” We covered 10 important questions, and gave parents information so they can make their own educated decision when it comes to vaccinating their child.
Many parents did not know that a child does not have to be vaccinated to go to school (though they make it seem otherwise). Did you know there is no published research that shows that vaccinated children are healthier than non-vaccinated children? Isn’t that the reason we are vaccinating our kids in the first place, because we want them to be healthier?
Many parents will argue otherwise, that kids who are not vaccinated are healthier than kids who do get vaccines. In fact, I would have to agree as I’ve had the opportunity to adjust many children over the past 10+ years, and would have to say that the kids who don’t get vaccinated, are healthier than children who have received vaccines. They don’t get sick as often, they don’t have allergies, they don’t have asthma. Not published research, just what I’ve observed.
These kids get adjusted, which helps boosts their immune system, as their is a direct connection between the nervous system and the immune system. Parents should realize that they do have a choice, and being informed is the best thing they can do for their child. Either way, the parent is taking a risk….the risk of the child having some side effect of the vaccine (potentially fever, seizures, asthma, eczema, neurological damage, or even nothing), OR the risk that the child gets the disease (measles, chicken pox, flu etc).
What is your philosophical belief? Do you believe more in the power of medicine, in a chemically produced artificial vaccine, or do you believe in the power of the human being to be healthy? Its your choice. Chiropractic care and optimal nutrition can make a significant difference in the health of a child. Ask us if you have questions.