Caterpillars & Innate Intelligence
Does a butterfly have a brain? Does a caterpillar have a brain? These are just some of the things that went through my mind the past few weeks, as I participated in this mini adventure. I mean they are living creatures, so certainly they must have a brain, but who tells the caterpillar to turn into a butterfly?
After the recommendation from one of my patients, about a month ago I bought a butterfly kit from A few days later via Fed Ex, we received 5 small caterpillars in a hard plastic container, all less than ½ inch long. My son & I watched as within one week, these caterpillars grew bigger (about 1” long), and eventually hung themselves from the top of the container. Within a few days, they had become cocoons. We moved them into a butterfly “habitat” (a mesh habitat home). They stayed upside down for a little more than a week, and one by one they finally emerged as butterflies. It was pretty cool to watch this process (OK, I think I may have been more interested in it than he was), as they came out of the cocoon and learned to fly around their new surroundings. Each day we’d check to see if the butterflies were born, and he got very excited when a new one appeared.
After all five butterflies came out of their cocoon, we let them fly out of their temporary home where they were born, into the great big world. It took several minutes for them to move outside of their mesh house. It was sort of like they knew they were headed into a big adventure, and they flapped their wings getting ready for their big escape.My son took great joy in watching them fly away; one even fed on the flower patch where we let them go.
Nature always amazes me, especially when it comes to animal life. I mean no one told these caterpillars what to do, it just happened. There were no drugs involved, no one helped them along their way, they did just what came naturally. Sure we gave them a little nectar to drink once they were born, but otherwise it just happened.
You see, yes caterpillars and butterflies do have brains of some sort. All living things have an inborn innate intelligence that tells it exactly what to do. As humans, we are the only species that goes outside of nature and asks for drugs or surgery when things go wrong; we ask for C-sections and plastic surgery; we ask for things outside ourselves because we can’t trust nature. It really is a shame.
Instead, we should rely more on our inborn intelligence, often called our innate intelligence. You see, the body doesn’t need outside instruction to heal. We have a special, unique power inside us that created us, and that causes our heart to beat and lungs to breathe, and that same power should heal us. We just need to make sure we take care of it. Through chiropractic, proper nutrition, and sleep, those are some ways to make sure that special power within us is working to the best of its ability. God did not create us to be sick; He created us to be healthy living creatures. Sit back and watch nature and see how it happens. You may be amazed (and reminded) by the process.