Breech babies & Chiropractic
In the past two weeks, I’ve had two new patients in my office, both pregnant, who came in because their babies were in the breech position, meaning their head was up and their feet & bottom were down. That is not the ideal way to be born, so these women learned that chiropractic care could help with this, and hopefully avoid a C-section birth. The Webster Technique is a very specific technique that was developed for in-utero constraint, and when certified in this (which we are), many times you can help the woman.
It’s important to note that we aren’t turning the baby, and if any Chiropractor tells you they are turning the baby — then run out of the office and find a Chiropractor that really knows what they are doing. The adjustment is very specific, and focuses on removing subluxations, balancing out the pelvis, as well as the muscles and ligaments, which reduces the restraint. In a majority of cases, the baby moves on its own to a head down position. However, there are times when the baby just won’t flip and they stay breech. There is one OB in Atlanta who will deliver breech babies, however most will not and instead, schedule the mom for C-sections. That is never the ideal way, especially for the mom who was planning and hoping for an unmedicated, natural birth.
So who do you know that is pregnant and the baby isn’t head down? Tell them about The Webster Technique and our office. Chiropractic can help! It is very satisfying to be able to help people, and in the case of pregnant women, you are really helping two people during the birth process. It is a wonderful thing.