Boosting Your Immune System
This whole thing is a mess. No one really knows what’s going on, no one truly knows how bad it is here (as of this writing), people can only speculate, prepare and choose how they react. My biggest fear is not the virus itself, but how people are reacting and what could happen. That’s the scary part. The lack of hospital beds for those who truly need it. The lack of supplies. Is that really possible? Depending on who & what you watch or read, you may think the serious pandemic is here OR you may think this whole thing is blowing out of proportion. It could get crazy or it could blow over. Fact is, no one really knows right now. But it’s not looking good.
Regardless of what happens, the only thing that I (or any of us) have control over, is our body & our immune system. I can’t help it if others buy up all the hand sanitizer, toilet paper and bottled water. I can’t control if the government tells us we all need to be quarantined. I can’t control others who may have been exposed to it. But I can control how I take care of myself. This writing will provide those tips on strengthening yourself and creating that strong defense.
Since I opened my doors in 2002, more than 18 years ago, I’ve been talking to people in the office about creating health. My message has never been about back pain, it has been about optimizing your health. As you know, it is your body’s electrical system (the nervous system) that controls and optimizes your immunity. Your nervous system is like the air traffic controller that directs the army of the immune system in detecting & eliminating invaders. The more powerful your immune system, the less likely you are to get any virus. It’s fairly simple. (More on strengthening that immune system below). As you probably have guessed, when your immune system is not working the way it should, it’s really no different than having a 100-watt light bulb operating at 50% — as if it were stuck halfway on the dimmer switch. Hopefully that makes sense.
I’m not suggesting that a neurostructural adjustment is going to ward off Coronavirus. Nope, not saying that. What I AM saying is that it’s completely reasonable to suggest that a perfectly tuned nervous system allows your immune system to work at its best, and not only provide some shielding from this recent virus, but most likely from other invaders as well. The other side of the equation is providing your body with what it needs functionally and nutritionally. You’ve heard it thousands of times – get enough sleep, stay away from sugary foods, drink a lot of water, etc. Equally important is supplements that will help supercharge your immune cells.
So how do you take care of yourself and boost your immune system?
- Get plenty of sleep! Sleep is when your body heals and regenerates, and is something you can do that doesn’t cost any money (okay, unless of course you need to hire a babysitter so you can get your own sleep). Some people pride themselves on getting by with 4-5 hours of sleep a night, and while that certainly is possible, it’s not healthy nor sustainable. Lack of sleep will certainly catch up to you, typically with some kind of illness, whether it’s that lingering cold, the flu, or something else. Strive to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
- Eliminate sugar! This is another thing that doesn’t cost any money, in fact it will save you money. Stop buying your Saturday morning donut. Quit the sweet tea or soda at lunch. Stop with the muffin or bagel for breakfast. Stop with the cookie or ice cream for dessert. Just stop. Don’t even do it once a week. Sugar weakens the immune system. It causes inflammation. It can extend and delay your sniffles, it can contribute to your menstrual cramps, it will cause weight gain. There’s nothing good about sugar except that it tastes really good … and can be hard to eliminate because it creates such an addiction. The more you eat of it the more you want, the less you eat the less you want, so that’s why elimination is best (and free!).
- Practice good hygiene! Wash your hands with soap & water. And do that often, not just these days, but all the time. Hand wipes & sanitizer are great, yet hot water & soap is even better.
- Top supplements that help boost the immune system are Vitamin C (ester C ideally), Vitamin D (ideally from the sun and a high quality supplement), Probiotics (ProThera by Klaire Labs is our suggestion), Immuplex (by Standard Process), fish oils (Nordic Naturals) & echinacea. Some of these we sell at our office. Sure there may be others, though that’s a great start.
- As I stated above, getting adjusted can boost the immune system and your body’s ability to fight off colds/flu etc. better. The reason chiropractors work with someone’s back, is because that is where the spinal cord is located, and the nerves (nervous system) controls everything in the body, including the immune system. So when you get adjusted, your nervous system is affected, and ultimately your immune system.
- Elderberry Syrup. This is a great immune system booster. Fresh syrup is best though there are companies that make it and sell it in health food stores. We have someone who delivers a fresh batch to our office regularly, ask us about it.
- Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Ideally fresh organic produce, every day, it should be the bulk of your meal. And if you can’t, then take Juice Plus, a great way to add those fruits & veggies if you aren’t able to consume those foods daily.
I don’t think it’s a matter of if, but it’s a matter of when we get exposed to this coronavirus. Chances are people already have and don’t even know it, because the immune system is handling it. They say it’s mild for most people, so if you are immune compromised, take extra precautions. It won’t hurt you to do things to add healthy habits to your life. Be smart. If you have that fever, stay home, let your body heal up. Self quarantine yourself if you choose. This thing is probably going to get worse before it gets better.
Make YOUR best decision. This is just mine.