Back to school & vaccinations
It’s about to happen, and any parent of a child has experienced it. It’s much bigger, you could get lost, you have questions, you aren’t sure what to expect. I’m not quite sure if it’s worse for me or him, but I’m pretty sure it’s worse for me. How did this happen so fast?
I’m sure everything will be fine, but this month, my little guy will be starting kindergarten and heading off into a new, bigger school. If you are a parent who homeschool’s your children, you probably don’t know what this is like, but I’m getting ready to let my kid go off into a big school, with a bunch of strangers, and it feels weird. What if he gets lost? (I doubt he will and there will be people there to help him). What if he doesn’t do well? (we’ll deal with it). What if he doesn’t make friends? (I’m sure he will). What if, what if, what if.
I’m so not looking forward to driving him to school everyday and sitting in a car line (ugh!), and am hoping he makes the transition fine. The place he’s been at has been small, short days, and now he’s headed to longer days at school. So we’ll have a tired little man at the end of the day, and homework…goodness is that going to start now?
Like most parents, we had to give the school a bunch of forms, including the vaccination waiver since we don’t vaccinate him. Did you know you had a choice? Yes, you can say no to vaccinations and they can still go to school. I feel more confident in his ability to fight off disease if he should get it, versus dealing with the side effects of a shot, whether it be fever, crankiness, allergies or autism. All of those have been connected to vaccinations and no way are we dealing with that. Our choice is to let the body heal itself, feed him good nutrition (as best as possible) and have his spine & nervous system checked at least 2x a month. He’s lucky he has two parents as chiropractors.
What decisions do you make for your child? Do you know you have a choice? Please let us know if you have questions about vaccinations, chiropractic, or other health care issues. The body has an amazing ability to heal & regulate itself & chiropractic care can help that process. And please, don’t leave your kids at home to grow up subluxated. Bring them in for adjustments, they are worth it.