Baby wearing or Car Seat?
I love love love this attached blog. I wish I could take credit for it, I wish I really had time right now to re-write my own thing, but I just don’t. For now, I’ll share what others write as long as I agree with it.
I see many moms carrying the car seat into our office, so unless the baby is getting adjusted, he/she stays in the seat the whole visit. Our staff always offers and encourages mom’s to just carry their babies in, and we love to hold them while mom gets adjusted, especially Kim — she has that special knack of holding the babies and calming them down. Aside from that, carrying infants is so much better for their developing spine!
If there was a way to facilitate your baby having the best chance possible at being healthy & happy, would that be of interest to you? Chiropractic care enhances the function of the nervous system, so the body can excel and be as healthy as possible. Let us know if we can help you or your family (including your dogs!).
Read full blog post here on babywearing vs a car seat: