CV and your immune system
I wasn’t going to write about this. I wanted to keep this more personal, but I have lots on my mind. Should I talk about the good or the bad, or both? The fact that families are slowing down and spending more time together? The fact that home projects & to-do lists are getting done? The fact that way more people are recovering & surviving from this Covid-19 virus than are dying from it? Or the fact that people are dying and will continue to ~~ whether it’s from COVID-19 or the stress that results from it. More heart attacks, more suicides, more overdoses, probably more murders & crime (they are letting people out of jail because of this virus), there’s more domestic abuse, more child abuse, more stress induced diseases – these are all going to increase (and in fact already have). And nine months from now there could be a lot more babies born. Or a lot more divorces. It’s just crazy, sad & scary at the same time.
No matter what your feelings are on this, there are things we do have control over:
- our thoughts
- our attitudes
- if we choose to live in a state of faith or a state of fear
- what foods we put into our body
- what supplements we put into our body
- how much water we drink
- how often we exercise
- how often we wash our hands
- how much support we show others
- how often we practice gratitude
- how we respond to uncertainty
- what we focus on
- how we deal with adversity
- how we use our time
- how we speak to others
- how we speak to ourselves
- how much media we watch
- how much we hate or how much we love
Those are choices.
It is harder to exercise these days, especially if you belong to a gym, but you can get outside and walk or run, or do home yoga classes, stretch classes, dances classes or whatever it may be. They are all available on You Tube or the internet (and yes, my videos will be coming on Sunday 4/5). And while we don’t always have control over our health, but the more we can do right now to improve our health, the better. I’ve always talked about eating well, drinking plenty of water, getting exercise, getting good quality sleep, and getting adjusted. It’s about the strength of your immune system
They say offense wins games, defense wins championships. This is the championship right now. A strong defense (a strong immune system) may/can/will help you win.
We’ve been selling more & more supplements lately and really should be selling out of them. This is the time that’s so very important to add good quality supplements to your diet (and not the generic brand ones). There’s a big difference between quality supplements and buying them from Amazon or other websites. You don’t know how those supplements have been stored, most likely in a very hot warehouse, so purchasing supplements from authorized dealers is the best way to go.
My top favorites for supporting your immune system are Immuplex, Congaplex & Drenamin from Standard Process; Vitamin D & Vitamin C from Nordic Naturals or Klaire; Juice Plus; Probiotics from Klaire/ProThera & fish oils. All of these we sell at the office and can do curbside pick-up if you want. Other ones that can support your immune system are zinc, Epimune complex, Echinecea & while there are others, those are my top recommendations.
If you happen to be someone who contracts COVID-19, you want a strong immune system to help you through it. The disease is not a death sentence for everyone. Please remember that. Build your immune system, be strong, be healthy, be positive. We are all in this together.