Childhood sports & injuries
Is there something your child really really wants that you don’t allow? If you are a parent, that’s probably a silly question as so many children want things that they can’t have (or do), and as a parent you try to make the right choices for your child. We try to get our son involved in different activities to hopefully shed a light on what he really likes. Is it music? Art? Sports? Of course the one sport that our son is begging us to play, is the one sport that we won’t allow him to. So, we’ve compromised a little … and instead of playing football (tackle), he’s now playing flag football. This is the 2nd season of him playing it and while he likes playing, I think he’d rather be out there tackling other players and falling all over the ground.
It’s crazy, because football is one of my favorite sports to watch even though many times I have that “Ahhh!” moment when players get tackled. Those hits can be so intense! It’s obviously a very physical sport and the fear of early injury and concussion is the main reason we are not letting him play at this point. I have people tell me that it is better now than 20 years ago, because they are more aware of brain injuries and concussion and are taking precautionary steps to deal with injuries, but at this point, we are good with him playing flag football. It’s giving him a basic idea of how the game is played, learning certain moves on both offense and defense. And if he continues to really like it, then maybe we will change our mind when he gets older.
As I watch him play sports (he’s also done basketball, soccer, martial arts & gymnastics, which I agree are also very physical) – I am so thankful that I am a chiropractor and can check & adjust his spine as he is growing. Kids take big falls and hits while playing sports and even when they are just playing around being kids. Have you ever seen a child come off a slide and land on their butt? What about fall down the stairs? Or just run hard & fall? Or fall off a bike? These are just some of they physical stresses that can happen to a child, and most of the time, kids just bounce back and parents don’t think anything is wrong. But typically, that is when subluxations begin and if ignored, by the time that child is older, the problem has been there for a while.
The spine & pelvis protect the spinal cord, which runs down the back and has nerves that come off it and go to every part of the body. The brain is constantly sending signals down the spine in order for the body to function. It signals the heart, the lungs, the digestive organs, and everything else in the body. If there is a disruption in that signal (think subluxation), then the message getting to that body part can be impaired. And signs/symptoms often appear and can affect the person’s ability to heal and function normally. And when it happens at a young age like it can for a child, it can affect them the rest of their life. Some of those signs & symptoms are obvious, and sometimes they are not. And that is why we recommend children (and newborns and adults) get checked & adjusted by a chiropractor.
As for our son, yes he gets adjusted on a regular basis. The physical stresses can negatively impact his spine & nervous system, but there are emotional & chemical stresses as well (think school stress, iPad use, sugars, gluten, etc.). While we try to avoid “bad” things, it’s almost impossible in this day & age to avoid everything that is negative, especially when they want to play with friends. Like other parents, we do our best.
I’m so glad he can get adjusted and be as healthy as possible. What about you? Do you get your children checked and adjusted? The saying “as the twig is bent, so goes the tree” is true … because if that subluxation happens at an early age, it can cause problems as the child grows. So if you are a parent of a child, please consider getting them adjusted by a pediatric chiropractor, it can make a huge difference in their life.