“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” You’ve heard that before, right? That statement pretty much applies to me; I really love being a chiropractor so it doesn’t seem like work to me (except when I’m writing a newsletter or office blog!) Our office is like my happy place, we go there for healing and it’s full of positive energy, after all, who wants to walk into an office that isn’t positive? In February we asked patients to fill out red hearts and complete the saying “I love chiropractic because…..” and then we hung up the hearts all over the office windows. I didn’t take the time to read them until the other day, and I must say I just LOVE what people wrote and wanted to share some of the highlights:
I love chiropractic because….
- of the backyard
- I get to see Kalo every time
- It’s a Patriots fan safe haven
Ok so those were some of the more fun ones that made me smile in a certain way, but then there were others that also made me smile in a different sort of way. I smiled more as a “wow” or “how cool” or “how did I not know that” or “they really understand it” and that’s what keeps me going back to the office day after day. It’s amazing working WITH great people and working ON great people.
So here are SOME of the other ones that really made me smile (sorry I can’t put them all here):
- It makes me a better athlete and helps prevents my injuries
- It allows me to have a healthy pregnancy & smooth delivery
- It keeps me mindful of how my body feels and creates a routine that reinforces my focus on wellness
- In just a few weeks my body and mind are so much better, I’ve found relief I haven’t found in years!
- I feel so much healthier and energetic
- It makes me feel great about taking control of my personal health.
- It keeps me healthy and pain free
- It keeps our family healthy
- It changed my life (fewer headaches)
- I had healthier more comfortable pregnancies as well as 4 natural births
- I can run and play with my granddaughters
- It makes me feel great so I can live my life to the fullest potential with my two little boys
- After two traumatic births chiropractic allowed me to have the peaceful labor and delivery I always knew was possible
Oh. My. Gosh. I just love those answers! Some people put their names while most people did not, and it makes me feel so great to know that so many people are benefitting from chiropractic adjustments. And it’s because of answers like that, that I truly love what I do. While chiropractic can certainly help some people who are in pain, the biggest benefit of adjustments is what the people wrote as answers – energetic, healthier, wellness. The long-term effects of getting adjusted are better health and better overall functioning. We see it everyday. It’s so cool and it’s so much fun.
And so yes, I really don’t do too much “work”. Yes I update our office Facebook and Instagram pages, yes I write a blog every now and then, yes I work on patient files, yes I network with other professionals, yes I do a YouTube video every now and then, yes I pay bills, yes I do all the things that are involved in running a small business … but the patient interaction I really love, and it makes going to work everyday so much fun. When you spend your day with babies, little kids, older kids, teenagers, pregnant women, athletes, older adults, dogs & cats (and occasional horses & chickens), it really makes for a fun day. I’m lucky I love what I do.