Visualizing Success …
Do you often encounter things that are a surprise; you are taken off guard, unprepared and suddenly have to make a quick change of plans? Yea, well that seemed to happen a lot in December, and I’m not too crazy about that. I like things planned out, but that doesn’t always happen.
The first instance last month was on a Friday, I headed to work and it was snowing outside, but they didn’t expect it to stick, since it was just 70-degrees three days earlier. We had our staff holiday luncheon planned, and wore our crazy fun Christmas sweaters. As the snow came down, people started cancelling their appointments yet we still planned to go to lunch and be open. I mean, the snow was not supposed to stick around! Well, if you live here you know what happened….by noon, the snow started to stick on our parking lot and I knew there was no way we could be open. So we quickly called people to let them know we were closing, and we all went home. The next day, with more than 7” of snow on the ground, I was glad we had closed! Goodness, I feel that storm just came out of nowhere. We were not prepared for it and I don’t think anyone was. But that’s when you just gotta go with the flow, “roll with the punches” as they say, and deal with what you are faced with.
There were a few other instances where things happened suddenly, and my lesson is always is to learn to be flexible. I have learned not to freak out, not to make a big deal of things, and just let it happen. If it’s beyond my control, then there is no reason to stress.
At the same time, there are instances where you can plan things out. I’ve always been someone who has goals & who visualizes what I want. I believe that visualization plays a huge role in what we get out of life. If we expect bad things and visualize bad things, then we can’t be surprised if bad things happen. Yet if we expect good things and visualize success, then we can expect that, and can be surprised if bad things happen.
Do you know what you want in your life? Do you visualize it? Or do you react to things, and then complain that things aren’t working out your way? I’m a firm believer in creating your future, and taking necessary steps to create the life you want.
In January, we are having a vision board workshop … do you know what that is? If not (or even if so), please join us and/or call to learn more about it. We can talk about creating the life you want, creating your future, and a vision board is a great tool to have in that journey.
Hope to see you along the way in 2018!
Dr. Pam