Headaches & Chiropractic
Do you get “normal” headaches? Do you know how many people tell me that? Too many, especially since there is nothing normal about a headache. A headache is the body’s warning that something is wrong. It could be from dehydration, it could be from stress, it could even be from a disease. However, many times vertebral subluxation contributes to headaches, and that is what Chiropractors correct!
I used to get headaches on a weekly basis and thought it was just because I had a stressful job. I started seeing a Chiropractor and within three weeks my headaches were gone. To me it was amazing (and thus resulted in me changing careers), yet it really is a sign that the body is working properly. When free of subluxations, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself, and headaches should not occur. Simple adjustments to the neck can make this correction and the end result is a better quality of life!
So, if you hear someone say they get “normal” headaches, once a week, once a month, or even once a day, have them give us a call. Taking medications only covers up the symptoms and does nothing to correct the cause of the problem. That is what Chiropractors do — seek the cause of the problem and make corrections so the body can heal naturally.