Recently I had a physical, the first one in a few years. I’m not someone who visits the MD much, if at all, but wanted to get an annual check up (though it’s really not annual) and wanted to get some blood work done. I was curious as to what my numbers were, which is why I consented to the test in the first place. I figured I had patients who often got checked, then I probably should so I could see where I was. It was interesting to get my results.
My total cholesterol was 147, triglycerides 35, HDL was 62 and LDL was 78. All of these numbers are in the “optimal” range, with normal cholesterol is anything below 200, so I was pleased with that. The last time I had my cholesterol checked was many years ago, and I believe it was 155, so it has decreased a little. Not bad for getting older. Cholesterol is an interesting thing, which I’ll write about in my next blog next week.
My Vitamin D was 31, with normal values falling above 30 (depending on what source you read), so I was good there. I take no Vitamin D supplement, though I do eat healthy and spend time outside — sunshine is the best dosage of Vitamin D out there.
So they declared me as “healthy” and said come back in a year. Funny thing is they never checked my central nervous system, which is the part of the body that controls everything. Shouldn’t that be something that gets checked, if you want to see if you are healthy? No…not by an MD. You see, Chiropractors are really the only doctors who routinely check the nervous system, to see how it is functioning. If it is functioning optimally, you have a better chance at optimal health. If not, aches & pain start to happen, as well as the potential for a whole bunch of other symptoms.
When was your last physical? Did you have blood work done? How often do you have your nervous system checked? If you never do, make an appointment to see a Chiropractor soon. If you do have it checked regularly, congratulations! As for me, that’s two visits to the MD in a period of two months, more than I have done in several years, so I’m good for a while. I’ll stick with chiropractic care, great nutrition, exercise and plenty of sleep to keep me healthy.