Pain Killers & Chiropractic
So a recent study by the CDC states that prescription drug overdoses are a U.S. epidemic, with more than 27.000 unintentional drug overdose deaths in the year 2007. While that may be four years ago, that’s the most recent study with the paper just being released this week.
That is an average of one death every 19 minutes. Can you imagine that? It’s been driven mostly by opioid analgesics — more or less pain killers of some sort. The graph that the report has is frightening looking, as it spikes upward the past 37 years, with the biggest growth the past 20 years or so.
People in pain so often turn to pain killers instead of trying other routes. While pain killers can be effective in decreasing pain, death as a side effect is not something that’s worth it to me. What about natural alternatives? What about chiropractic? Dietary changes? Exercise? Massage Hydration? Stretching? There so many things that can contribute to a decrease in pain, it is sad that people do turn to drugs and become addicted to them.
Who do you know that has this problem? Please tell them about chiropractic and see if we can help them.