Knocking out a cold
Yesterday morning my four-year old woke up and came down stairs crying, because he “couldn’t talk” as he said. He had a slight case of laryngitis and sounded like he was getting a cold. Ugh, just what we need. He was headed to school and me to my office, and I really didn’t want to keep him out of school and bring him to the office, as that is never easy for anyone.
We lounged around a little and I made him oatmeal. I crushed up several “Chewable Congaplex” by Standard Process (he doesn’t like the way they taste, so I have to hide them in food) and mixed it into the oatmeal. We doubled up on his Juice Plus gummies. He had some carrot juice. I then adjusted him, and we were off to a good start.
By the time we went to school, he was looking and sounding much better, yet I wasn’t sure if they were going to call me to pick him up. A stuffy nose isn’t a big deal; I was just hoping that he was going to get better instead of worse. The morning went by and everything was fine. By the time I got home at 8pm, he was his normal self, running around, playing, happy. Few, nothing like knocking out a cold in a matter of hours.
Our little guy is pretty lucky, having parents who can adjust him when necessary (correcting subluxations helps boost the immune system) and I swear the Congaplex is like a miracle worker. Granted someday he may get a cold that lasts longer, but I’d much rather give him natural things to help him get better, instead of cold medicine that just covers up the symptoms and delays the healing process.