So it appears that the “death” of Twinkies is here. While that is sad news for the 18,000 people who are going to lose their jobs, it’s not too bad for our society. I don’t know if there is really anything healthy about a Twinkie, a Ding Dong, or a Ho Ho. Yes, I have eaten those before (don’t we all grow up eating them at some point?), but I don’t think I ever really liked them.
They say sales are down, as US consumers focus on healthier eating. However, at the same time, obesity is increasing, cancer & diabetes are also increasing, as well as cardiovascular disease. It shocks me as to unhealthy we are. People just don’t seem to care about their health anymore. I’m not sure that Twinkies are the reason for this problem, but they certainly contribute to it.
The healthiest people are the ones who eat the best, not the ones on the most medications. Drugs don’t make you healthy. The sickest people are on the most drugs. The healthiest people are on no drugs. It’s all about eating better, getting adjusted, getting exercise, and getting sleep. And doing that, every day. It’s a lifestyle, not a one-time thing.
Remember health is a journey, it’s not a goal. It’s something you do. Eat healthy, avoid Twinkies, and get adjusted. It’s as simple as that.