Marriage, children & chiropractic
This past month we went to a wedding of a family member and it was one of the nicest wedding’s I have ever been to. It was a very elegant church ceremony and a fun & fancy reception. I’m not really sure why I do this, but I get teary eyed when in the church, especially when I see the bride walking down the aisle (it’s a girl thing my husband says). Sure maybe it is a girl thing; a vision of what we want for ourselves, a reminder of what we already have done, or just a wish for happiness for the couple. Who knows, but I always have tears in my eyes at that point.
Now if you are married, weddings are also a little bit of a reminder of the vows you once took. After the reception, my husband and I talked about how it was a reminder for us, and why we did take the vows back in 2001 and got married. We have been married almost 11.5 years, and while we have our ups & downs like any other couple, I am still very happy that we chose to marry each other.
My husband is also a chiropractor and we share the same outlook on health, which is that the human body is an amazing machine and does not need outside drugs to heal it. Assisting the body in its natural healing process is all the body needs most of the time. Getting adjusted and removing interference from the central nervous system makes a huge difference in health. He and I don’t have to have discussions about this; we know we aren’t going to be vaccinating our son, we know we aren’t going to be putting drugs into his body, we know he’s going to be getting adjusted, and we know how important whole food nutrition is (basically no or limited sugars, no food colorings and preservatives, etc.).
If you have children, how are you raising them? Via the conventional medical route of antibiotics, Tylenol, Neosporin, Tums, candy, fast food and soda? Or are you getting that child checked & adjusted by a chiropractor, avoiding medications and utilizing other natural healing methods? The choice is yours, but the outcome will affect your child forever. Make sure that when you do get married, that the topic of how to raise your children is something that is discussed, as it’s very important. You do have options.
Ask us about chiropractic care & children, and a how important it is to have a healthy nervous system. Children have an amazing potential to be vibrant and healthy, and we can help. Ask us about it sometime.