C-section rates
If you are pregnant (or have been), do you know what the C-section rate is at the hospital you delivered at? Nationwide, the C-section rate is over 30% even though the World Health Organization recommends it be only 10-15%. Here in Atlanta, some hospitals are close to 40%. So that means that if you are hanging out with your two closest friends who are pregnant, chances are one of them will be having a cesarean.
Just this week, CBS TV in Atlanta aired a very informative piece on this subject, and I recommend you watch the piece by clicking here.
In my opinion & experience, many C-sections are from unnecessary procedures performed at hospitals. So what’s your best bet to avoid a cesarean? Educate yourself and do you homework. There are numerous things women can do to hopefully avoid a C-section, include hiring a doula, choosing a midwife over an OB, choosing a hospital with a low C-section rate, doing a home birth, visiting ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network), getting chiropractic adjustments to help balance the sacrum & pelvis, take a private childbirth education class and more. These are just some suggestions. Educating yourself on your options is the first step.
I often hear women tell me the birth did not go as they wanted, sometimes ending up in a C-section. Lately, a vast majority of our patients have avoided C-sections because they followed the suggestions above. Feel free to talk to us if you have these concerns.