Goodbye 2015
Goodbye 2015, I’m sort of glad to see you go. It started out with my laptop crashing on New Years Day, resulting in me losing hundreds of photos that were not backed up, as well as many other things. It wasn’t a good way to start the year, as all of that happened by 9am. There were other challenges throughout the year, including some things at the office & then probably the longest five days of my life when my mother passed away at the end of March. I think of her often, more so than I imagined I would, wishing I could call her & have the conversations we use to have.
There were also some good times, fun times with my family & travel to Puerto Rico and other cool places. I also did a lot of races, more than I have done in several years (3 Half Ironman’s, 3 half marathons plus
seven other races during the year). The last blog post I talked about resting, and that I have…I have only run one time in the past five weeks (and have not biked at all), fully resting my body and getting ready for 2016. It’s a little strange to have all that extra time to get things done.
The holidays were not rushed, we had fun, stayed local and spent time together. New Year’s Eve use to be my favorite holiday, go to a party with my friends, write out goals, do away with bad habits and start all over (or at least try to). Now I look at it as just another day, right? We go to sleep and wake up to a new day, just like any day. No longer do I make “New Years Resolutions”, instead I make them throughout the year, why should we wait? I think most people wait because the holidays are filled with stress, poor eating and less working out. It’s easier to wait until the holidays are over to start anew.
Is that what you have done? If you don’t fulfill those resolutions, can you just pick another date to start over? Or how about daily resolutions? Do you think you’d stick with better habits if you focused on making healthy changes daily instead of once a year? What about your attitude, can you focus on the positive and put positive thoughts into your mind every day? Those positive thoughts can turn into positive actions, making great things happen. Try it sometime and see what can happen.
So as I wake up this morning to a new year, I feel like it’s just another day but at the same time I also a time to think about what I’ve accomplished and what lies ahead. I know 2016 will be a better year in many ways, I want it to be and I will make that happen. It’s about perspective, daily goals, positive affirmations and determination.
I wish you all health, happiness & prosperity in 2016. If you don’t get adjusted regularly, consider making that change as I know weekly (or every other week) chiropractic adjustments can help your nervous system function better, leading to less discomfort and a better chance at optimal health. We see it all the time, those who get adjusted regularly are sick less often, injured less, sleep better & are in less discomfort. Being healthy is not good luck or good genes; it’s about good decisions. Focus on making healthy decisions every day. Let us know if we can help you out in 2016!